There’s No Such Thing As Evil

Or so we’re taught in school, in the media, and by crooked criminologists sitting safe behind their desks. I beg to differ.

There is evil, and by building an entire criminal justice system on blind denial, we are allowing it to thrive. We’ve never had so many rapes, so many assaults, and so many unsolved cases as we have today. And nothing is being done, nothing at all.

The latest example of this evil is in Jönköping. A 14 year old girl was suffering through hard times. Neither family, neighbors, or society helped her. Instead, a monster stepped through her door. Clothed in the shape of a 42 year old man, this monster got her hooked on drugs, and then raped her repeatedly. She finally managed to get help, and reported the man to the police.

In Sweden, we love to help criminals. We spent millions getting convicted murderer Annica Deasy home. How many crowns were spent helping this poor 14 year old? A single one?

The pain and suffering became too much, and the girl killed herself just hours before she was to testify against her tormentor. This means the entire case will be put away. The monster goes free, the princess is dead, and the knight was never even part of the story. So don’t you dare tell me there’s no such thing as evil.

Rest In Peace

~ by Escaping Perdition on April 10, 2009.

3 Responses to “There’s No Such Thing As Evil”

  1. så sant… idioter, det är det enda ordet som jag tycker beskriver alla som sitter i styrelsen.

  2. Saying there’s no such thing as evil is a complete farce, especially when we see instances like the one you shared in your blog – what a tragedy. In NY, there was a woman who was raped in a subway station and the station employees did nothing to help her. What is this world coming to when rape is a spectator sport?

  3. That’s a rather big hole in the legal system. Poor girl.

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